ACC uses operational research with composite
algorithms, regression models Twice a month (except late November) clients will receive a climate letter (Ray Garnett Climate Letter) For prices click here. You need Acrobat Reader to read the reports, download it here Acrobat Reader
We have a track record second to none in the specialized field of seasonal weather and crop forecasting. Our most recent successes: 2013 Extremely wet July PDSI (moisture conditions) 2013 Canadian Prairies (Palliser Brown zone July temperatures) 2012 Normal June-July precipitation over the Canadian prairies 2011 Out performed U.S.D.A in estimating U.S. corn yields 2011 A wetter than normal Can prairie June-July 2010 A wetter and warmer than normal Can prairie June-July 2009 Cooler than normal Can. prairie June-July 2008 Cooler than normal Iowa summer 2007 Out performed U.S.D.A. in estimating U.S. corn yields 2006 Drought and bumper wheat crops in Australia and Argentina 2006 Hotter and drier than normal June-July Canadian Prairies 2005 Colder than normal Can prairie June-July temps 2004 Colder than normal Can prairie June-July temps Contact Information for ACCTelephone 1-204-783-3363
Last Modified: October 04, 2013