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Agro Climatic Consulting


Qualifications Pricing

2016 Recipient of Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology - Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

We have expertise in seasonal weather prediction and impact assessment for Canadian prairie and international crop production.   

ACC uses operational research with composite algorithms, regression models
and recent southern oscillation behaviour to assess climatic risk a few weeks to a few months in advance of critical growth stages for major grain growing areas of the world. This is done for leading grain exporting and importing countries. Primary emphasis is given to Canadian prairie and U.S. wheat, corn and oilseed crops. A chief endeavour is to arrive at true yield (production) estimates before the U.S.D.A. and have a lower error of estimates. The true yield estimate is usually arrived at three to six months after the harvest.

Twice a month (except late November) clients will receive a climate letter (Ray Garnett Climate Letter)  For prices click here.

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We have a track record second to none in the specialized field of seasonal  weather and crop forecasting. Our most recent successes:

2013  Extremely wet July PDSI (moisture conditions)

2013  Canadian Prairies (Palliser Brown zone July temperatures)

2012  Normal June-July precipitation over the Canadian prairies

2011  Out performed U.S.D.A in estimating U.S. corn yields

2011  A wetter than normal Can prairie June-July

2010  A wetter and warmer than normal Can prairie June-July

2009  Cooler than normal Can. prairie June-July

2008  Cooler than normal Iowa summer

2007  Out performed U.S.D.A. in estimating U.S. corn yields

2006  Drought and bumper wheat crops in Australia and Argentina

2006  Hotter and drier than normal June-July Canadian Prairies

2005  Colder than normal Can prairie June-July temps

2004  Colder than normal Can prairie June-July temps

Contact Information for ACC

Telephone 1-204-783-3363

Postal address
767 Garfield St N, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 2M4
General Information:

Agro-Climatic site Webmaster:


Last Modified: October 04, 2013
The Canadagrain web site is designed & maintained by Branscombe Consulting.