© Canadagrain.com 1996 - 2024
Site Created August 15, 1996; Last Updated August 25, 2023
Web site created by Branscombe Consulting
The Wild Oats Grain Market Advisory provides news, analysis, marketing strategies and local grain prices for western Canadian grains, oilseeds and special crops.
Wild Oats Grain Market Advisory
Events of the past 24 hours affecting agriculture both on the prairies and around the world. Prairie Ag Hotwire, in its 24th year of publication, reports news and daily crop prices and provides direct links to stories, reports and statistics in a daily email sent to subscribers by 8:00 am central time.
Prairie Ag Hotwire
Prairie Crop Charts
The Ray Garnett Climate Letter
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Charts - a pictorial history of markets - can be a powerful decision making tool. Patterns repeat. Prairie Crop Charts is a chart service covering the major grains and special crops grown on the Prairies: canola, oats, wheat, barley, flax, soybeans, red lentils, green lentils, brown mustard, yellow mustard, oriental mustard, canary, green peas, yellow peas, chickpeas, edible beans and more.
Agro-Climatic Consulting provides early warning intelligence on global weather and its projected impact on crop prospects. Agro-Climatic Consulting has a track record second-to-none. Reports are distributed by e-mail twice monthly.
Dedicated to providing the news, analysis, strategies and prices you need to market your crops.
Average Crop Prices For October 11, 2024 ($CDN/bu Delivered Elevator) SK MB AB Canola 13.02 13.03 12.98 #1 CWRS 7.61 7.87 7.87 #2 CPRS 7.10 - 7.32 Durum 8.60 - 8.82 Feed Barley 4.63 4.15 5.27 Oats - 4.44 4.27 Yellow Peas 10.50 10.50 10.77 Looking for current or historical crop price data? We offer a daily or weekly update service and maintain datasets covering 29 years of weekly and 14 years of daily crop prices for the grains, oilseeds and special crops grown in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. For data availability and cost, contact Canadagrain.com at 204-942-1459.
"We live in a world of information overload. Wild Oats condenses it down to what matters. Our investment in Wild Oats puts us in a good position to make profitable decisions for our farm." Mark Pawluk, Birtle, Manitoba "Wild Oats is a quick read. I don't take any other newsletter." Butch Harder, Lowe Farm, Manitoba